Rishabhjains.com | Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam, Neelamani, Neela Pukhraj, Indra Neel, Indra Neelam shop, dealer in Ahmedabad

What is Blue Sapphire Gemstone? . Blue sapphire, commonly known as Neelam and Indraneelam is one of the most celebrated and feared gemstones. It has remained a notable symbol throughout…

Continue ReadingRishabhjains.com | Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Neelam, Neelamani, Neela Pukhraj, Indra Neel, Indra Neelam shop, dealer in Ahmedabad

Cats eye gemstone, Lehsunia stone Shop in Ahmedabad, Certified Lehsunia, Cats eye gemstone Dealer, Retailer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Cats eye gemstone . What is Cats eye Gemstone? . Gemstones are beauty gifted by mother nature. Every gemstone reflects its brilliance in diverse ways, some are incredibly colourful while…

Continue ReadingCats eye gemstone, Lehsunia stone Shop in Ahmedabad, Certified Lehsunia, Cats eye gemstone Dealer, Retailer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India